Investigator Sponsored Studies

Welcome to the Idorsia Investigator Sponsored Studies (ISS) website. We thank you for considering Idorsia as a potential source of support for your independent clinical studies. This website provides details to help in the preparation and submission of your funding request.
Idorsia Pharmaceuticals is committed to improving patient care through supporting scientific advances in medicine and increasing understanding of important diseases. As part of this commitment, the ISS program supports innovative clinical studies that address important medical and scientific questions related to our products and therapeutic areas of interest within Insomnia and Hypertension.
How to Submit an Investigator Sponsored Study Proposal
Requests for ISS support must be submitted to Idorsia via the Investigator Sponsored Studies portal at least 90 days prior to the scheduled study start date. Please click here to access the application on the portal website
To begin your application in our Investigator Sponsored Studies Portal, please create a login and password or enter your existing username and password. Upon completion of review, requestors will be notified of the Committee’s decision via email.
For questions related to investigator sponsored studies, please reach out to: